Family Resources
Setup Instructions for tools you will use
Choose one of the following services for instructions on how to set it up and/or access it.
Student iPad User Agreement and Optional iPad Protection Plan
Starting this school year, reviewing and acknowledging the student iPad user agreement and purchasing the optional iPad protection plan to cover a student's iPad in case of damage or theft are now separate steps. The student iPad user agreement is now part of the annual review process in Infinite Campus. The optional iPad Protection Plan is now available for families to purchase in EduTrak Connect.
Transition and Career Resources
- Military Careers and Fields - Provides information for those who are interested in the US military!
- ACT Test Center Locations - Can help you find the appropriate testing centers, dates, and times.
- MnWorkforce/ Rehabilitative Services - If you have a disability, our Vocational Rehabilitation Services unit can help you prepare for, find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible.
- Dakota County Transition -- Assisting youth with disabilities transition into adulthood.
- iSeek - Minnesota's comprehensive career, education, and job resource.
MAAP Stars is a broad-based vocational organization for students in secondary alternative programs in the United States. The Minnesota chapter of STARS holds three statewide events each year:
- STARS Fall Leadership Conference: October
- Spring Events Conference: March/April
Additional Resources
Any links to external agencies are for resource information only and do not imply endorsement by District 196 or the Rosemount Area Learning Center. Call our school social worker at 952-431-8720 if assistance is needed with finding resources!
- District 196 has chosen the Associated Clinic of Psychology as one of its mental health providers for its students! ACP works with students and families at school, home, or in the community to meet their mental health needs. ACP is ready to serve all students, including those who are uninsured or under insured! Parents, the school, or students themselves can make a referral to possibly receive therapy or counseling. Request services here.
- Chemical Health Assessments/Evaluations: Families with health care insurance coverage should always call their insurance's customer services for accurate provider referral and coverage information. Families without health care insurance coverage should contact Dakota County Chemical Health to schedule a "Rule 25" assessment 651-554-6000
- The Link!: Support for youth experiencing homelessness, positive Alternatives in Juvenile Justice, and programming for minor victims of sex trafficking.
- C.O.R.E. is the new drop-in center in Apple Valley for youth that are experiencing homelessness, or are at risk! Youth can drop in without an appointment on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-5 p.m. A community meal is also available Thursdays from 4:30pm-6 p.m.
- To find out more about housing and rental assistance programs:
- Supportive Housing Unit of Dakota County at 651-554-5751
- Dakota County Community Development Agency at 651-675-4400
- South Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority at 651-554-3270.
- To search for affordable housing vacancies, try Housing Link!
- To search millions of jobs, try this link:
- Dakota County Housing Assistance Page
- Check out the Transition Resource Directory! This 84-page guide helps individuals, and their families prepare for transition, from after high school to adult life. Thanks to Dakota County CTIC!
- Need help with energy assistance? This agency’s services include bill payment assistance, home energy crisis intervention, outreach, energy advocacy, information about utility consumer rights, and referrals.
- Do you qualify for Free MN Zoo Admission?
- Prepare and Prosper Tax Preparation is a volunteer Income Tax Assistance site that offers free tax preparation services! Individuals with an income of $35,000 or less and families with an annual income of $55,000 or less are eligible for these services! 651-287-0187.
- Check out for lower cost food!
- Information about WIC in Dakota County.